Wednesday, October 15, 2008

House, NCIS, Law & Order SVU

Ok, so Andrew and I managed to do a couple watch one station while Tivo records another. Therefore, tomorrow will include Eli Stone.


House: This week's show was good. Not great but good. It is good to see that Wilson and House are back together again. In fact, it was slightly nauseating. I did LOVE that Cutty drugged House in order to get him in the car with Wilson. The only thing that bothered me was did Cutty give him a SARS anti body. Because when Cutty gave him the injection it was still possible that House had SARS. Anyway, the case was interesting too, thought the whole needles in the head thing was a stretch. How does a girl go her entire life without knowing she has multiple needles in her head. How? Never been near a magnet? Never go through security? In this day and age...impossible. Oh and where was the PI? I loved that guy

NCIS: I heart this show. If you are not watching NCIS, you should be. I love Jethro. And it was great to finally find out some more about his past. First his dad was soooo cute. I hope they bring him back for more episodes. Nothing really else. The plot was interesting, but I knew the kid would end up being Chuck's son from the beginning. Glad that the girl didn't sleep with him
SVU: WTF!!!!!! SVU was AWFUL. I DON'T care about Eliot's CRAZY daughter or CRAZY MOTHER. Ellen Burstyn (of the Ya Ya Sisterhood) is going for an Emmy and I DON'T CARE. DO NOT Waste your time watching this long and AWFUL episode.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Office, Weekend Update Thursday....SNL?


Ok to be honest I spent time last night catching up on House/ Brothers & Sisters/ and Ugly Betty. BUT I did catch some of the Thursday night line up. Here are my thoughts:

The Office: Ok, I love the Office and Steve Carrell but I don't like this whole love story with the HR rep. Michael is too out there for anyone to really fall for. Even if she is slighly dorky. I love extra Meredith. She is one of my peripheral favorites.

Her voice alone leaves me chuckling. The Dwight subplot was mildly entertaining. But it is good to know Dwight can go for 19 minutes...ok well more creepy I suppose. I wish people cared more Pam and Jim were getting married. I care Pam and Jim! I care!

SNL: Ok, I do not understand the SNL on Thursday thing. Was it a promotion for 30 Rock? I will give them credit it was entertaining. The debate parady was really funny. Though if you hadn't watched every moment of the Debate like me I could see why it could be boring. The Weekend Update section was mildly entertainig, including how preggers Amy Poehler is. I think I couldn't get past the point of why they were doing this to fully understand it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pushing Daisies, Project Runway, Top Design

Well so sorry....I went on vacation, and rather than catch up etc. I am just going to write on what I watched last night.

Pushing Daisies: Uggh this season is not making me happy. I would venture to use the word said. The fact the ratings have dropped does not remotely surprise me. Last night episode involved a circus and a nunnery. I know its a nonsensical sci fi but its so far fetched. What teenager runs off with a mime and then joins the circus? Aren't teenagers these days running off and doing cooler things? I still love Lee Pace....that won't ever leave. I read his interview on pop sugar yesterday. He is so sweet. I think I may be crushing on him a little today. Not so much on the show.

Project Runway: Last night's episode was great. I liked pretty much all the fashion. The back story was kinda annoying. Why does Project Runway always have to have the "hated person." First of all, I liked Kenley's fashions, and I think she will win. But why all the who hates who doesn't drama. And what was she appoligizing for. I am pretty sure I am only on her side though because I ripped off her bangs.

Though *spoiler alert* I hated Korto's dresses (wedding gown seen below)

and since I was way into Jerell I was sad he didn't make it to bryant Park.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Introducing My TV Blog

So I watch a lot of TV. And I have a lot of opinions on the TV I watch. Therefore, I decided to share this knowledge with the public. Below will be my latest opinions on the shows I have watched.


Trueblood - Well, I am usually pretty reluctant to start a new show during the fall line up. In fact, unless it immediately follows one of my shows, it rarely happens. But due to my undying love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Anna Paquin, I decided to give this one a chance. This week was the second episode in the series. We got some background on the Sooki (one of my all time character names; homage to Sooki in Gilmore as well as Claire Danes's character in Igby goes down) character, as well as a further development into relationship with Bill (worst vampire name in the World....well since.....ever). I hate Bill. The actor (Stephen Moyer) is trying to hard to appear mysterious (something that came natural to David Boreanz in early Buffy episodes). In the end he just makes the vampire appear...constipated. The whole "drink my blood and get intense senses" has been done. That's the case in all vampire books/shows. And once again the whole "have to be invited in thing" has also been done to death. How about a new vampire....the super strength and speed was nice. Overall this show is blah, I am enjoying the political plot side. Its a nice spin on the topic..."Equal Rights for Vamps and All." But I could do without the "deep south." The whole Louisiana thing is getting boring. As for the other characters....blah. We'll see I guess.

Entourage - Yawn! That's it really. This episode focused on Vinny Chase getting back together with Blair from Gossip Girl. However, all of us in TV land know it won't last for that reason...she has another show to do. That and anyone watching the tabloids knows she was only on set for a couple days. Aside from bored. The ratings on this show are way down from last year. Time to wow us guys! Nice Marky Mark cameo.....however, too little too late.


I watched last season finale's of Big Bang and HIMYM. I am looking forward to next weeks. Season openers next week.

Jon and Kate Plus 8 - Ok, so I will admit I watch this show. BUT I will also admit, the probability I will continue to do so is lessening. I enjoyed watching the sextuplets grow up...BUT between Kate's neuroses and the Christian education I can't take much more. Plus my husband HATED the kids screaming in the background. In this episode the kids went to see a play about the garden of Eden and genesis. I get are awesome Christians, but you are isolating some of your audience with the Jesus (IE me).

House Season Premiere!!!!!!